-> Help menu

Release history

(current version at the top)

Release 4.53.0 - 02 July 2024

New features:

  • 972 Items: Show input/output parameters in the same order as in Edit Mode.
  • 973 API: Show warning as API v2 XML result when asking for non-visible Items.

Issues resolved:

  • 974 API: API v2 does not support parent-child relationships of input/output parameters.
  • 975 API: API v2 typo: qc:InputS and qc:OutputS.

Release 4.52.1 - 28 June 2024

Issues resolved:

  • 959 Items: The new search filter component does not show Card images
  • 961 Templates, Test materiaL: Filter is called 'search' but actually should be 'filter by'.
  • 970 API: ../items/ request does not work (API v2 for testing only)

Release 4.52.0 - 24 June 2024

Features implemented:

  • 940 API: Include 'patch' version number in the output XML  (API v2 for testing only)
  • 954 API: Show QC Items with status other than 'published' or 'withdrawn' as well (API v2 for testing only)

Issue resolved:

  • 959 Items: The Filter (search) sometimes shows inconsistent Items list <> Items count

Release 4.51.1 - 17 June 2024

Features implemented:

Release 4.51.0 - 14 June 2024

Issue resolved:

  • 967 Parameters: Ranges 'Where used' view width is suboptimal on smaller screens.

Release 4.50.0 - 01 June 2024

Features implemented:

  • 793, 885 API: Provide API v2 (in test!) (Swagger) documentation.
  • 894 API: Provide API v2 (in test!) XML output.
  • 917 Test Material: Improved (more efficient) back-up approach.
  • 935 Parameters: Add pop-up that shows which QC Items are using a specific Parameter.
  • 949 Set-up: Move to new LDAP Access group.
  • 951 API: Include Parameters (Representations, Types, Units, Ranges) export into simple XML (in test!)

Issues resolved:

  • 947 Test Material: Search does not work
  • 956 Items: CSV Export fails

Release 4.49.0 - 22 April 2024

Features implemented:

  • 933 Users mgt: Add rights sync option (admins).
  • 935 Test Material: Do not show ZIP download button for folder which have only linked content.
  • 936 Test Material: After adding Test Material, take user to the related folder view.
  • 937 Test Material: After editing the folder path, take the user to the related folder view.
  • 940 Test Material: Show path in edit view of Test Material.
  • 941 Items: Sort values in filters, selectors, etc. alphabetically

Release 4.48.0 - 28 March 2024

Features implemented:

  • 906 Set-up: Move to Vue v3 (was v2)
  • 921 Test Material: Provide 'tree selector' to select path
  • 928 Test Material: Make download button behaviour consistent between Item and List view
  • 929 Test Material: Introduce Test Material Uploader role
  • 934 Test Material: Make path clickable to go to related folder directly

Issue resolved:

  • 932 Test Material: list view sorting does not work correctly

Release 4.47.3 - 15 March 2024

Issue resolved:

  • 930 Test Material: QC Editors rights were not always correct (should have access to all content tagged QC Editors).

Release 4.47.2 - 14 March 2024

Issue resolved:

  • 0923, 0927 Test Material: public content is not visible to non-logged users

Release 4.47.1 - 13 March 2024

Issue resolved:

  • 0925 QC Items: big image shows wrong base URL.

Release 4.47.0 - 29 February 2024

Features implemented:

  • 0907 Test Material: Add banner, encouraging user to log in.
  • 0913 Test Material: Do not show folders which have no accessible content for the user.

Release 4.46.0 - 14 February 2024

Feature implemented:

  • 0914 Test material: Choice of how to handle existing file/ref when editing Test Material now uses a radio button (clearer).

Release 4.45.0 - 12 February 2024

Features implemented:

  • 0606 Parameters: Copyright information is updated (temrs stay teh same; all QC Items under CC-BY 4.0).
  • 0908 General: Customizable search filter for parameters.

Issue resolved:

  • 0639 Test Material: 'File clear' tickbox does not seem to work <- replaced with clear dialogue and replacement options.

Release 4.44.0 - 09 February  2024

Feature implemented:

  • 0483 Test Material: Do not show folder sizes to non-logged users (as it may be confusing)

Release 4.43.1 - 17 January 2024

Issues resolved:

  • 0896 Items: Editor discussion delete action does not complete.
  • 0897 Items: Editor discussion cannot be closed when unassigned.
  • 0898 Stas: .csv export fails and visibility is wrong.

Release 4.43.0 - 30 November 2023

Features implemented:

  • 0557 Test Material: Repeat buttons at the bottom of the page.
  • 0690 Items: Simplify versioning: add choice between minor & major version number upon publication/withdawal.
  • 0785 Items: Make (editor) discussions show latest edit date immediately.

Release 4.42.0 - 20 November 2023

Feature implemented:

  • 0877 Items: Advanced Filter - Template now shows Owner name after each Template (if available).

Issue resovled:

  • 0880 Items: Watching setting is not rembered correctly on Items.

Release 4.41.0 - 02 November 2023

Features implemented:

  • 0330 GUI: Provide more details in case of a HTTP 404 error.
  • 0569 Items: Send alerts for any new QC Item version.
  • 0871 Items: Name QC Item specific Editor ('owner') 'Lead Editor' from now on.
  • 0872 Items: Include QC Items that are automatically watched (for Lead Editors) in the Advanced Filter results.

Issue resolved:

  • 0861 Items: Prevent orphan Tags created by admin forced delete of QC Item versions.

Release 4.40.0 - 20 October 2023

Features implemented:

  • 0569 Items: Autosubscribe Editors to Items they are the current lead-editor of.
  • 0859 Test Material: Improve PATH error message.
  • 0862 Templates: Remove Tags that are used only on deleted Templates.
  • 0863 Items: Reduce Tags list to relevant Items versions.

Issue Resolved:

  • 0864 Items: (specific) Item deletion fails.

Release 4.39.0 - 29 September 2023

Features implemented:

  • 0852 Test Material: URLs in Test Material Path are NOT accepted
  • 0853 Items: Consistent capitalisation of 'Help' in menu
  • 0855 Items: Filtering by Text now also filters by Tags

Release 4.38.1 - 05 September 2023

Feature implemented:

  • 0839 API: Improve API output generation speed.

Release 4.38.0 - 04 September 2023

Features implemented:

  • 0709 Templates: Add link from each QC Item card in a Tenmplate to its related QC Item View.
  • 0717 Templates: Only show named groups (not UUIDs) like for Test Material.
  • 0809 Items: Change colour of 'Tech Review' status (badge).
  • 0842 Editor Discussions: Show only OPEN Editor Discussions in the overview list.
  • 0844 Editor Discussions: Small improvements in header titles and sorting.
  • 0845 Editor Discussions: Only show page to Editors.
  • 0849 Editor Discussions: Make title column sortable.

Issues resolved:

  • 0713 Items: QC Editor field is not sorted.
  • 0843 Editor Discussions: Sorting bug shows GUI warnings.
  • 0847 Test Material: Clone and Copy Metadata buttons show even for users who cannot create Test Material.
  • 0850 Predefined: Group name mapping cannot be removed.

Release 4.37.0 - 28 July 2023

Features implemented:

  • 0245 Templates: Improve deletion of Item versions that are used in Templates.
  • 0249 Items: Provide Editor Discussions overview page.
  • 0336 Items: Default next Item version to 'drafting' when published Item is edited.
  • 0813 Items: Limit Export (CSV) function to Editors.
  • 0819 Items: Add Parameter Type, Representation, Unit, Range, Default Value to API and Export (CSV) output.
  • 0827 Templates: Show loading indicator in 'included Items' when Template is not yet fully loaded.
  • 0828 Templates: Sort Items in a Template by Item ID (increasing)

Issues resolved:

  • 0818 Items: Item shows incomplete CSV and cannot be cloned.
  • 0821 Templates: Admins do not see all Templates.
  • 0823 Items: List of Templates shown upon Item (version) delete is incomplete.
  • 0829 Templates: 'Latest' version is transformed in specific version number when opened for editing.
  • 0832 Test Material: Error 500 when uploading Test Material.
  • 0834 Items: Error 502 when publishing Item.

Release 4.36.1 - 13 July 2023

Issue resolved:

  • 0806 Items: Export (CSV) fails for some specific queries

Release 4.36.0 - 13 July 2023

Feature implemented:

  • 0795 Items: extend the Export (CSV) fundtion to include all Advanced Filter fields

Issues resolved:

  • 0801 Items: Editor name shown is wrong in edit mode
  • 0804 Items: Total Items count is wrong when using Template or Subscribed filter
  • 0805 Templates: Number of Items shown is not always correct

Release 4.35.1 - 06 July 2023

Issue resolved:

  • 0718 Templates: QC Items do not persist in Template

Release 4.35.0 - 30 June 2023

Features implemented:

  • 0789 Items: add Export button to Items view, so users can export in CSV (incl. Tags and status Filter)

Issues resolved:

  • 0790 API: misspelling of parameter keys returns error
  • 0794 Test Material: cloning of Test Material is not possible

Release 4.34.0 - 22 June 2023

Features implemented:

  • 0245 Items: allow admin deletion of QC Item version if not linked from Templates as specific version
  • 0693 Items: extend size of the Alias field
  • 0712 Items: show editor names instead of e-mails
  • 0784 Items: sort list of assignable persons for Editor Discussions alphabetically

Issues resolved:

  • 0783 Items: make sure Editor Discussions can be assigned upon creation
  • 0787 Items: Item Categories show spurious '2' after their label

Release 4.33.0 - 14 June 2023

Features implemented:

  • 0706 Items: optimize rights for discussions and editor discussions handling
  • 0719 Items: optimize rights for items cloning, editing and changing editor

Issues resolved:

  • 0716 Items: Editor discussion reassign list does not include all names and is not searchable
  • 0743 Items: the Type Version field in the Parameters pop-up shows a wrong version number

Release 4.32.0 - 01 June 2023

Features implemented:

  • 0528 API: export of all Items in JSON or CVS possible
  • 0728 Parameters: allow Workflow Managers to edit all Parameters

Release 4.31.1 - 28 April 2023

Issue resolved:

  • 0766 Items: advanced filter option "type/range update required" shows error (removed for now)

Release 4.31.0 - 27 April 2023

Issues resolved:

  • 0711 Items: 'publication ready' label is missing in overview
  • 0734 Templates: transfer button does not work (removed for now, feature listed for redevelopment)
  • 0758 Items: pop-up bug when viewing input/output parameter that has parent parameter
  • 0768 Items: HTTP 500 error when adding a new QC Test Item

Features implemented:

  • 0695 Parameters: implement advanced parameter managed features, incl. auto-updating upon Item editing and alerts to update Types when Representations/Units are updated
  • 0738 Items: extend Advanced Filter with an option to filter by Items using older Parameter definitions
  • 0742 Parameters: show latest version of Representations and Units in edit window and mark which are official
  • 0747 Items: auto-update changed Ranges when editing QC Item
  • 0755, 765 Items: textual info to help editor when inappropriate Unit/Representation/Type/Range value is use
  • 0759 Items: validate only official parameter values are used before moving Item to 'tech review', 'group review', 'ready for publication', or 'published'
  • 0767 Items: validate Range field is not empty (before review/publishing)

Release 4.30.0 - 20 March 2023

Issue resolved:

  • 0714 Templates: Remove 'Use transfer token' button (currently not supported)

Feature implemented:

  • 0707 Parameters: Only show 'official' Parameters (Types, Representations, Units, Ranges) to common users

Release 4.29.0 - 13 March 2023

Features implemented:

  • 0700 Set-up: Improved auto-reboot settings (e.g. to handle AWS maintenance)
  • 0721 Set-up: Moved to latest dbase version
  • 0722 Set-up: Moved to latest Linux release

Release 4.28.0 - 02 March 2023

Issues resolved:

  • 0686 Parameters: {true, false} is misinterpreted when user forgets accolades
  • 0692 Parameters: range search does not work
  • 0699 Items: Ranges value is lost on initial save of QC Item
  • 0702 Items: datepicker does not work for some locales
  • 0708 Templates: datepicker does not work for some locales

Feature implemented:

  • 0521 Items: add a new role 'Workflow Manager'

Release 4.27.0 - 16 February 2023

Issue resolved:

  • 0287: Parameters: error when trying to select an official Type

Features implemented:

  • 0417 General: Make explicit in the footer that all QC Items are published under CC-BY 4.0
  • 0251, 540 Documentation: Update the Help section
  • 0674 General: Update the copyright year
  • 0675: Documentation: Add details on the use of versioning in QC.EBU.IO
  • 0676 Items: Modify automatic versionnumbering to use PATCH number for drafts, etc.
  • 0683 Items: Check parameters used for input and output parameters are the latest official ones when switching to 'Group Review' or 'Published'

Release 4.26.0 - 08 February 2023

Issues resolved:

  • 0238 Items: Empty lines in the definition field are not rendered
  • 0636 Items: Date picker no longer works
  • 0653 Items: Missing values in Units list dropdown
  • 0657 Items: Alerts filtered related error for non-logged users
  • 0662 General: Console shows errors for non-logged uers
  • 0663, 671 Parameters: HTTP 500 error when moving parameter values between official and unoffical
  • 0664 Items: Cross-origin error for non-logged users
  • 0666 Items: Multiple versions of the same perameter value show in the dropdown list (of input/output parameters)
  • 0667 Parameters: Adding/removing values an give an HTTP 500 error

Features implemented:

  • 0608 Parameters: Show related QC Items in a sorted, grouped way to simplify parameter values management
  • 0658 Items: Show parameter values in alphabetical order
  • 0660 Items: Only show official pamater values in parameter dropdown lists

Release 4.25.0 - 09 January 2023

Issue resolved:

  • 0619 Items: The diff output is sometimes unreadable due to wrong formatting

Feature implemented:

  • 0621 Items: Cloning a QC Item assigns the user who cloned it as the editor of the clone

Release 4.24.0 - 04 January 2023

Issue resolved:

  • 0632 Items: Error message when searching input / output parameters of a QC Item

Feature implemented:

  • 0567 User Account: Add global e-mail alerts on/off setting

Release 4.23.1 - 22 December 2022

Issues resolved:

  • 0630 Items: Key info is not visible to non-logged users (input parameters, output parameters, version info, etc.)
  • 0633 Items: Console error after closing pop-up

Release 4.23.0 - 02 December 2022

Issues resolved:

  • 0581 Items: Parent value for Input and Output Parameters cannot always be set
  • 0631 Items: Deletion of Items which have Parent data on Parametes set fails with error 500

Feature implemented:

  • 0581 Items: Parent value selection list for Input/Output Parameters takes into account current order of Parameters (in Edit mode)

Release 4.22.0 - 29 November 2022

Issue resolved:

  • 0481 Items: Cannot click QC Item version buttons (scrolbar is in the way)

Feature implemented:

  • 0576 Test Material: Automatically correct invalid paths upon the creation of Test Material

Release 4.21.0 - 21 November 2022

Issue resolved:

  • 0587 Reference Data: Links shown after using reference data delete function (admins only) are broken

Features implemented:

  • 0522 Items: Add e-mail alert function for QC Items that move into 'Tech Review' (QC Editors can subscribe to this)
  • 0580 Set-up: Extend service health monitoring set-up

Release 4.20.2 - 22 October 2022

Issue resolved:

  • 0566 API: CardinalityType value starts with a capital letter

Release 4.20.1 - 13 October 2022

Issue resolved:

  • 0556 Test Material: Save & Keep editing button still shows, even though it is no longer relevant with the new versioned approach

Release 4.20.0 - 21 September 2022

Issue resolved:

  • 0456 Wrong status is shown (logged out) for logged users when a 500 error page is shown

Features implemented:

  • 0477 Test Material: show edit and delete buttons in test material overview for item author
  • 0492 Test Material: use the full user name for the uploader/editor fields
  • 0542 Test Material: open upload of test material in a new browser tab

Release 4.19.1 - 02 September 2022

Issue resolved:

  • 0545 Cloning of some Test Material fails

Release 4.19.0 - 02 September 2022

Issue resolved:

  • 0459 Static page editor is no longer WYSIWYG

Feature implemented:

  • 0491 Add Test Material clone feature

Release 4.18.0 - 01 September 2022

Issues resolved:

  • 0493 Copy Test Material function should only be visible to users who can create Test Material
  • 0523 QC Item Editor Discussions cannot be assigned
  • 0527 Card image URL redirection is incorrect for some old (cached) images
  • 0530 HTTP 500 error when saving User Value in Template
  • 0537 Name of User Values does not show in User Values edit view

Features implemented:

  • 0427 After editing Test Material, take user to the folder view
  • 0480 Show user lowest related folder view after deleting Test Material

Release 4.17.0 - 07 July 2022

Issue resolved:

  • 0282 Using browser back changes log in status (in FireFox)

Features implemented:

  • 0525 Migrate ebu.io/qc to qc.ebu.io

Release 4.16.3 - 04 July 2022

Issues resolved:

  • 0505 Test material: loudness boolean cannot be (un)set correctly
  • 0518 Code clean-up

Release 4.16.2 - 04 July 2022

Issue resolved:

  • 0512 Discussion (user and editor) modal closes when trying to enter text

Release 4.16.1 - 29 June 2022

Issues resolved:

  • 0504 Statistics do not show historic data
  • 0508 Test material related (Sentry) error

Release 4.16.0 - 29 June 2022

Issues resolved:

  • 0487 Test material shows 'undefined' when browsing through folders
  • 0488 Field error (Sentry)

Features implemented:

  • 0466 Add new metadata fields for Test Material (for the EBU Audio Group)
  • 0449 Add Copy (metadata) function to Test Material

Release 4.15.1 - 28 June 2022

Issue resolved:

  • 0485 New template creation ('Add' button) does not work

Release 4.15.0 - 17 June 2022

Feature implemented:

  • 0458 Editing date of pages (test material, static pages) is not updated after editing

Issue resolved:

  • 0461 Rename menu item into "Editor Tech Groups" (admins only)

Release 4.14.3 - 03 June 2022

Features implemented:

  • 0448 Upload of Test Material with a name starting with a space fails

Release 4.14.2 - 02 June 2022

Issue resolved:

  • 0469 Some test material items are missing a link (404).

Release 4.14.1 - 01 June 2022

Issue resolved:

  • 0467 Some test material downloads give a 500 error.

Release 4.14.0 - 27 May 2022

Features implemented:

  • 0447 Show group names instead of UUIDs for test material rights settings
  • 0452 Show access groups without names in predefined groups view (admin only)

Release 4.13.1 - 23 May 2022

Issue resolved:

  • 0457 Edits on existing test material entries are not kept (original version is OK).

Release 4.13.0 - 18 May 2022

Issues resolved:

  • 0266 Version deletion in test material deletes all versions
  • 0444 User values give error in certain cases (input parameters)

Features implemented:

  • 0418 Avoid browser to cache (GUI) updates by adding hashes to downloaded files
  • 0428 Upgrade to the latest UI libraries

Release 4.12.0 - 22 March 2022

Features implemented:

  • 0397 Only show size of accessible Test Material
  • 0427 Improve dialogue title of QC Item deletion confirmation - distinguishing version vs. complete Item deletion

Release 4.11.1 - 15 March 2022

Issues resolved:

  • 0407, 0416, 0426 Deletion of QC Item version (admins only) does not work correctly

Release 4.11.0 - 12 March 2022

Issues resolved:

Feature implemented:

  • 0419 Upgrade base software platform

Release 4.10.0 - 25 February 2022

Features implemented:

  • 0395 'Double buffering' of API output - QC Items list
  • 0412 Update copyright banner

Release 4.9.0 - 23 February 2022

Features implemented:

  • 0307 Help section extended (incl. API details)
  • 0316 Dev set-up improvement: auto-deployment
  • 0340 Dev set-up improvement: added runner

Release 4.8.1 - 11 February 2022

Drastic performance improvement of the XML generation for API calls (including caching).

Issues resolved:

  • 0387 Slow server response, including 502 errors
  • 0390 Duplicate items in QC Items list retrieved via API
  • 0391 Folder size reported incorrectly for some Test Material
  • 0393 504 Gateway Time-outs
  • 0396 Publication change not reflected in QC Items list retrieved via API

Release 4.8.0 - 16 December 2021

Issues resolved:

  • 0383 Typo in 'User Values' in the Template interface
  • 0386 CI pipeline does not run unit tests correctly

Features implemented:

  • 0365 Show user acces to Test Material (groups part) - for admins only
  • 0381 Update copyright year platform
  • 0389 Show group name in (admin) access list instead of UUID

Release 4.7.1 - 01 December 2021

Issues resolved:

  • 0377 Stats export error
  • 0379 Sorting in stats view throws AJAX error
  • 0380 Typo in Test Material section (QC Item)

Release 4.7.0 - 17 November 2021

Issues resolved:

  • 0323 Test Material linked to QC Item, but not to that Test Material version, cannot be deleted
  • 0352 Ajax error when browsing download stats

Features implemented:

  • 0275 Remove (confusing additional) edit button from Test Material
  • 0352 Add folder size to Test Material folders

Release 4.6.0 - 05 November 2021

Features implemented:

  • 0373 Stats download option (csv)
  • 0374 Improved CI speed

Release 4.5.0 - 02 November 2021

Issue resolved:

  • 0336 Status is not set to 'drafting' when a published QC Item is edited for the first time

Features implemented:

  • 0342 CI improvement: split images
  • 0350 Link to full resolution example images from QC Item
  • 0371 New test material download stats view
  • 0372 Extend warning for Test Material group rights changes

Release 4.4.0 - 13 October 2021

Issues resolved:

  • 0369 Admins cannot see test material of the groups they are not in

Features implemented:

  • 0338 Add a warning when users edit rights on Test Material

Release 4.3.0 - 06 October 2021

Issues resolved:

  • 0336 Some users obtain wrong test material edit rights

Features implemented:

  • 0285 Implement new dbase backup service

Release 4.2.1 - 22 September 2021

Issues resolved:

  • 0305 Backup of very large files failes
  • 0363 Test Material tracker fails for non-logged users

Release 4.2.0 - 21 September 2021

Issue resolved:

  • 0334 Deleting a specific verison of a QC Item fails

Features implemented:

  • 0350 Improve rendering of example images
  • 0358 Test Material usage tracker

Release 4.1.0 - 30 July 2021

Feature implemented:

  • 0349 Move example images to common storage (optimisation)

Release 4.0.6 - 28 July 2021

Issues resolved:

  • 0346 Download button on the Test Material Item page does NOT work

Release 4.0.5 - 24 June 2021

Issues resolved:

  • 0208 Template edit view typo/suboptimal title
  • 0228 QC Item editing date seems wrong due to lack of date sorting
  • 0306 Wrong URL base for Help pages
  • 0313 QC Item version dates are not sorted logically
  • 0320 Cannot add a new parameter
  • 0321 Test Material: 500 error for non-logged users
  • 0328 Test Material: Broken download link

Release 4.0.4 - 23 November 2020

Issues resolved:

  • 0295 Allow authors to delete their own test material
  • 0300 User (EBU Member) cannot see test material

Release 4.0.3- 01 October 2020

Issue resolved:

  • 0270 User e-mail is shown instead of name (part 2)

Release 4.0.2 - 28 August 2020

Issues resolved:

  • 0281 Access rights cannot be revoked
  • 0300 Some users cannot see Test Material they are entitled too

Release 4.0.1- 06 July 2020

Issues resolved:

  • 0250 Typo in Templates interface
  • 0270 User e-mail is shown instead of name (part 1)

Release 4.0.0- 03 July 2020

Completely rewritten code-base for easier maintenance and extension.
The new release focusses on the main concepts and has improved several of these.
Examples are: Templating, Versioning, Test Material folders.

Backwards compatibility for URLs and APIs is in place.
Some less-used features have been (temporarily) removed.

Version by Frans De Jong - July 3, 2024, 5:23 a.m.